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Sunday School

In the hustle and bustle of our day to day activities, we, as Christians have limited time to fulfill the hunger & thirst our souls desire for God's Word. Today many ministries view Sunday School as a place for the traditional church, and as a result have ceased keeping it a part of their ministry. HLC has a place for the greatest school in the world... Sunday School. Join us each Sunday morning at 10:00 am with classes for all ages. There is something for everyone!


Sunday School Trivia
Monthly Study Questions

  1. How much time did Jonah spend in the belly of the whale?
  2. Why did a Bible published in London in 1632 become known as the Wicked Bible?
  3. The name of God is not mentioned in only one book of the Bible. Which one?
  4. What kind of wood was used to make Noah's Ark?






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